Farmer testimonial of the Case closing system not working well in conditions other than ideal led to the development of the Case Conversion Kit, which converts the case wide closing wheel into a two wheel closing system. Farmers kept telling us they would walk behind their planter and find the furrow completely open, with very little dirt moved back over the seed. The Case closing system works well in a sand table demonstration, but lacks the power necessary to deal with clay soils, residue, cover crops, or extra moisture. In a real world situation, farmers needed a closing wheel that could crumble down the sidewalls and ensure excellent seed to soil contact for each seed. With a wheel that both crumbles down the soil with the spike, and firms the soil around the seed with the width, Copperhead Ag Cruiser Xtreme wheels are meant for helping this Case planter close the seed trench in all planting conditions.
The Case planter's other weakness, besides the wide press wheel, is that it has limited down pressure adjustment on it's closing wheel arm. With an extra 30-35 pounds per row, we have solved that problem as well!
Don't be fooled by the Xtreme name, these wheels showed a 15 bu. per acre gain in conventional, irrigated farm ground in Heartland Technologies 2016 study! Farmer testimonials have shown the bearings are wearing well, and these wheels are closing the seed trench with less down pressure needed than ever before.
The simple conversion takes a matter of minutes to convert your Case IH planter from the single packing wheel to the 2 wheel Furrow Cruiser Xtreme closing wheel system. Pull the bolt and the single packing wheel off of the tail piece. Slide on the Copperhead Ag bracket and attach it with 2 bolts thru the existing holes. Attach the 2 Furrow Cruiser Xtreme cast spiked closing wheels to the bracket and the conversion is completed.
The Furrow Cruiser Xtreme Case IH Conversion Kit can be used on the Case IH 5400 and 5500 Soybean Specials; and the 800, 900, and 1200 Series planters.
The kit includes a single bracket, 2 complete Furrow Cruiser Xtreme cast wheels and the hardware to install the kit.
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